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Interview with a Barrister: San-Mari Martins

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San-Mari’s has been working as an In-House Barrister in the Civil Litigation sector at Oracle Solicitors. her experience includes, the delivery of advertising production specific legal advice (data protection, online publication, copyright, regulation of the media, negligent misstatement) and contract drafting.

Why did you become a barrister?

A career advisor told me that I would make a good social worker, psychologist, or motivational speaker – so my mother suggested I should become a barrister, ‘That way you can be all of those!’

It’s unusual for a law firm to employ barristers, why Oracle Solicitors?

It is not the norm.

Do you remember your first time in court?

Unfortunately, all too well. I still experience that ‘sick to my stomach’ feeling when I have a really high-profile matter about to be called-on, or when the press is in attendance.

What was your most memorable win?

A conspiracy to gang rape allegation within a housing eviction trial. Tried at the Civil standard before a Circuit Judge with a really accomplished sexual abuse ‘ticket’. The press was ordered to leave following submissions based upon Article 10 of the HRA.

The matter involved three boys (men almost), alleged to have conspired to the rape of two female housemates. They were all at the outset of their lives.

We successfully defended the conspiracy to gang rape allegation, notwithstanding cross-examination of the complainants via video link, several issues with the technical facilities being available to us, and the stresses of multiple obnoxious witnesses for the relevant university accommodation company.

Avoiding a referral to the Crown Court was the aim!

What do you do in your spare time?

Spare time? I have children and an estranged yoga routine.

What advice would you give a young aspiring Barrister?

Purchase a good leak proof travel mug. You’re going to need allot of caffeine!


Tea or coffee?

(too little coffee would be negligent).

Stairs or lift?

I am clumsy.

Besides, have you seen the size of my handbag?

Red wine or White wine?


Beach or City Holiday?

Beach, please….

Alessio Pellegrini

Alessio, with the Marketing team, strives to help colleagues excel with client care, while also keeping the firm ‘on the pulse’ regarding the most critical...

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