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Accidents at Work

Accidents at work can be the result of anything such as a lack of training, faulty equipment or exposure to dangerous substances.

Even if you are a casual worker or self-employed under the law you may be considered an employee, thereby giving you the same rights as other employees.

We know all too well that having a work related accident can have serious consequences for you and your loved ones.

Personal Injury Specialists

Our Personal Injury lawyers are specialists in their field and help you recover damages for your personal injuries, pain and suffering, lost earnings, out-of-pocket expenses, medical treatments and your rehabilitation costs.

Numerous clients of ours have been helped to claim compensation by our expert lawyers and below are some cases in which this happened:

Oracle Solicitors reputation for helping people who’ve suffered accidents at work is second to none and each year we help numerous clients on their path to recovery.

Will Claiming Compensation Affect My Employment?

Employers expect a personal injury claim to be made when someone has been injured at work and are required by law to have Employers Liability insurance to cover accidents at work. In nearly all cases the compensation is paid by the employer’s liability insurance company.

How much will it cost?

Contacting us for initial advice costs you nothing. Our Personal Injury Specialists access your claim for free and even our telephone number is local rate. Most of our personal injury claims proceed on a No Win No Fee basis with no hidden costs to you.

What should I do now?

You must ensure your accident has been properly documented and logged in the accident report book, you should also fill out an Accident Report Form. However, don’t sign anything given to you by your employer (or anybody related to the accident) if you are in still in shock or pain.

What happens next?

When you call Oracle Solicitors our expert personal injury specialists provide expert legal advice and access your claim at no cost. We work quickly to establish who is at fault and gather evidence to obtain and admission of liability. We require as much detail as possible including photos of the accident, Accident Report Forms and the names of any witnesses. Once we take on your claim we arrange a medical assessment which allows us to value your injuries.

Will my case proceed to Court?

The vast majority of cases are settled before they go to court. However, if your case is one of the few that is to be decided at court, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal and we are there to help you every step of the way.


Ercan is an experienced litigation lawyer and since joining the company in 2017 he has continuously built and grown Oracle Solicitors’ litigation department.

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