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Bail Applications and Bail Variation

Our highly experienced criminal lawyers are here to assist you with any questions that you have regarding bail applications & bail variation. When the Police or Court issues bail against a suspect or a defendant the conditions imposed may be unduly restrictive or have a devastating impact on your daily life.

Bail applications & bail variation can have an enormous impact on clients, causing distress to those who have never been subjected to bail conditions before.

Types of bail conditions

Bail conditions can include and cause:

We operate on a ‘right-first-time’ basis, preparing for bail requires a full and detailed preparation so every item of evidence to support your application must be secured and vetted by our specialist lawyers before submission to the Court.

Factors the court consider are:

At Oracle Solicitors, our lawyers assist clients to apply for bail or vary their bail conditions. We carefully examine your case and advise you every step of the way.

If you have any bail related concerns or you have been remanded in custody without bail, get in touch at the earliest opportunity.

We’ve successfully varied pre-existing bail conditions on behalf of our clients during complex criminal investigations that have restricted client from travelling and varied curfew conditions.

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