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Pre-Charge Representation and Proactive Defence

It is important when being interviewed ‘under caution’ to receive clear legal advice before and throughout the interview.

The early stage of a defence can be crucial to the outcome of a case. You need to be fully aware of your rights and ensure that there are no errors or misjudgements made or it could negatively affect you further down the line.

Search warrants

If the police or other investigators believe they have reasonable ground to do so they may obtain a search warrant from the Courts. A warrant can be given to enter the property at any time of the day. If you are subject to a search warrant call us immediately for clear advice.

Our criminal team follows a ‘no stone unturned’ approach which involves intensive, creative and intelligent legal strategy.

Why choose us?

We have successfully represented many clients ‘pre-charge’ (before and after arrest). Our track record speaks for itself, in fact, we have concluded many cases without charge by making representations to the prosecution authorities, for instance, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

Our experienced criminal defence team have been able to challenge illegal arrest and searches, seek the return of seized property, point out flaws in the evidence and address legal errors by the Police and Prosecution.

Our team launch a pro-active defence by gathering evidence from witnesses and seek expert opinion to contradict the Prosecutions allegations. 

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