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Slip and Trip Claims

Slips, trips and falls can have a huge negative impact on your life both in the long and short-term. It is not only the physical pain that you have to feel from the incident but you may also feel it financially if you have to take off work with a broken arm.

Slip, Trip and Fall claims explained

Many slip, trip and fall claims are the result of liquid spills on floors and defects in pavements. A claim exists whenever the business, local authority or property owner is negligent or in breach of their legal duty. Claims against Local Authorities are often referred to as Public Liability whereas claims occurring on private property as called Occupiers Liability claims.

If you have suffered a slip, trip or fall caused by the fault of another person or party, such as a business or the local authority, you may be able to claim compensation. Claims are subject to time limits and other exemptions which we explain during our free assessment.

We can help you claim compensation in a variety of circumstances:

Accidents at work

Employees who are injured during employment at work in England or Wales are protected in two ways.

Firstly, it is illegal for an employer to terminate your employment if you claim for an accident at work.

Secondly, employers are required by law to have Employers Liability insurance in place to protect staff in the event of a workplace accident. This means compensation is claimed from the employers’ insurance company and not directly from the employer.

How do I make a Slip and Trip claim?

When you call Oracle Solicitors, our personal injury specialists provide expert legal advice and assess your claim at no cost. We work quickly to establish who is at fault and gather evidence to obtain an admission of liability.

Our slip and trip claims team ask you to provide as much detail as possible including photos of the accident, Accident Report Forms and the names of any witnesses. Once we take on your claim we arrange a medical assessment.

After we review all the evidence we negotiate with the other side or we litigate (sue) to secure a fair compensation settlement for you as soon as possible.

Can I claim on a No Win No Fee Basis?

The vast majority of our personal injury claims proceed on a No Win No Fee basis (excludes Northern Ireland). When you call us our personal injury expert assess your claim and advise the best way to proceed.


Ercan is an experienced litigation lawyer and since joining the company in 2017 he has continuously built and grown Oracle Solicitors’ litigation department.

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